Saturday, November 10, 2007

Tough Interview Questions #23: What Are Your Options Now?

This is a polite way of asking, "Are you desperate?" "Can I get you cheaply?

One of the worst answers to give is to talk about how you've been on a bunch of interviews, gotten close and firms have chosen someone else. Answering like this invites the interviewer to start to think that there is something wrong with your skills or knowledge and probing intently to find out what it is. Often the questions that occur from this juncture explore minutiae so that they can say, "Ah-hah!" and disqualify you.

It is far better to say, I have spoken with a few firms so far and am starting second (rounds with a few. The jobs seem interesting, but this one seems particularly interesting.

Be prepared to answer why this one seems interesting and why one of the other ones does too!

Jeff Altman 
The Big Game Hunter

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